Why I joined BB

This blog is also for me as it is for you. It is a way for me to get to know myself better along with you. My coach recently gave me some questions to answer and one of them was ‘What is your fitness story?’. I was thinking about it for quite a while and I couldn’t come up with anything. I thought  ‘What the heck! I am just going to get a pen and see what comes out!’ When I was done, I went through it again and I was shocked.

There was a pattern there. I would gain around 10-22 pounds almost every two years and then lose all the weight in a 3 weeks span. The reason? Depression! It wasn’t news to me that I have a mild form of depression (now and then) but I never actually linked my weight with it until now. In September 2013 I was 115 pounds. I did a lot of travelling in Europe (where I come from) and then came to America with my then boyfriend and now husband.

So many different things to try and the food here is so different that by April 2014 I weighted 129 pounds. Then I went through a phase and I wasn’t very well again and ended up loosing weight again. By the end of May I was 117.8. I felt happier (since I went through a brief, mild depression), but I could see that this back and forth has taken a toll on my body so I decided to start P90X3 in July.

Now it’s almost October and I am about to finish it in three weeks and I saw condiderable amount of change. Now I weigh 115, my body looks better than ever and the best part? My husband and I have noticed a tremendous change and stability in my mood:) For me that’s a major WIN!

What does that mean for me? Working out has helped my mood swings and depression. I am happier and healthier. Now I eat clean beacuse I want to, because it feels good; not because I have to. And the awesome part is that now I eat more than before and I don’t gain weight. In three weeks I am going to start the second round of P90X3 and combine it with PiYo, for even greater results! Working out can help you in every aspect of your life. It’s like a domino effect. One change brings the other.

That is the reason I joined TBB as a Coach. Because I saw it works and I believe in it. Because it changed me, like it will change You if you give it a chance.

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